Restorative Wellness Center

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If done correctly, juicing can be a great strategy for optimizing nutrient levels and gently detoxing the body.  There is a lot of buzz about juicing as well as various juice fasts that promise a certain level of healing.  We've found in our education and clinical practice that juice fasts do more harm than good because the proper detoxification support for the body is missing.  While there are benefits that can come from juicing, there are also some negative aspects if not applied correctly.  

One potential downfall of juicing is that oftentimes juice recipes have quite a bit of fruit sugars in them due to fruits being added to contract the green veggies taste.  This can be quite problematic as it leads to blood-sugar spikes and blood sugar dysregulation and therefore promotes the inflammation that juicing seeks to quell.  The obvious choice would be to choose recipes and fruits that are lower in sugar.  The sweetness in beets and carrots along with the cooling cucumber help to offset the pungent green flavor from the vegetables.

Another possible problem with juicing is the sheer volume of nutrients.  The body is only capable of utilizing so many nutrients at one time.  Enjoying juice in smaller quantities and adding a nourishing fat with it, makes for much better nutrient assimilation by the body.  

Juicing removes valuable fiber from fruits and vegetables, which does make the nutrients easier to assimilate.  Over an extended period of time, this can be detrimental.  The insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables helps to cleanse the digestive tract, bind excess hormones, and control blood sugar levels among other things. 

Juicing can be a delicious and convenient way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet as well as trying new ones. While we don't recommend juicing as a therapy for health restoration, it can be an enjoyable part of your health maintenance.  When juicing, it is crucial to choose organic produce to avoid harmful toxins and pesticides in your end product. 



1 head of greens such as kale or chard

1 granny smith apple

3 carrots

1 beet

1 cucumber

1 stalk celery

1 lemon

1 inch of fresh ginger

1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk, coconut cream, or 2 egg yolks

Place the ingredients in your juicer one at a time in the order listed above.   Using a blender or whisk, incorporate your fat of choice into the juice.  Consume immediately.  Makes 4-6 servings, depending on the size of your vegetables.