Our story begins with one of our daughters. When she was two years old, she began having many physical, mental, and emotional symptoms and was quickly placed on the autism spectrum along with severe GI issues and constipation. This all came as a shock and deep disappointment to my wife and I; especially as natural healthcare practitioners and an already health conscious family. How could this be when I had attended years of advanced schooling to become a doctor along with my wife's strong desire to run our home and food from natural, organic, and healthy sources? We were what anyone would have considered a picture of health and already living in a way to prevent illness (by utilizing chiropractic care, organic foods, and pursuing a non toxic atmosphere in our lives). Despite these ideals on our part, a typical day for her began to look like severe constipation and rectal issues, pulling fistfuls of her hair out, wetting her pants multiple times a day long and at night as well as uncomfortable eczema. She also exhibited autistic stimming; including head banging on hard surfaces. Ashley and I were devastated. We cried out to God for answers and healing.